Favorite Costco Finds (Protein edition)
Costco will get ya,
Costco is an "eyes down, follow your list" kind of place. Do you agree?
We were just 3 minutes past receiving our flashy new card and Eric was lighting up by all the big screen tvs! But alas, we came for things like eggs and cereal, forward we must go.
I've learned that Costco is a once-a-month type place. Buy big, plan ahead, and man it's so awesome! This trip my mission was EASY high protein options. When you're watching your nutrition, it's important to have options that don't require too much thought and/or prep time because HUNGER and EMOTION will take over faster than you find a recipe.
I'm happy to say, this trip was a success! I thought I'd share 12 amazing finds in this this week's Costco Haul!
But wait. Before we get started. How confident do you feel about reading nutrition labels, << Test First Name >>?
In Martino Fit, we follow this simple 1,2,3 MF Method when looking at labels. Once you master this method, you'll never look back!
Check out this post to learn more: PROTEIN IS TRENDING
Without further ado, here is my Costco haul!
16 G protein, 9 G Carbohydrates, 7 G Fat
16g protein, 1g carbohydrates, 8g fat
19g protein, 1g carbohydrates, 5g fat
old faithful! 1g protein, 1g carbohydrates, 4g fat
25g protein, 6g carbohydrates, 1g fat
When I learned brown rice is not any healthier than white... I never turned back. White rice FTW
3g protein, 40g carbohydrates, 0g fat
A protein packed veggie actually! 4.2g protein, 10g carbohydrates (and fiber!), .5g fat
For my yogurt every day!
Everyone loves these! 100 calories, 8g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 7g fat
Dessert! Yes please! 100 calories, 5g protein, 16g carbohydrates, 2g fat
Superior taste to most protein bars in my opinion but beware of sugar alcohols! Might affect your tummy!
We keep grab-n-go shakes on hand. Down one before a party with a buffet so you can quickly hit your protein goal (30g protein) and nibble on the other stuff (you know it will be mostly carbs and fat!)
There's our haul!
Do you go to Costco? I found myself a little bit of a voyeur into other peoples shopping carts! So many good things to be found at Costco!
Have a great weekend!
Build muscle, live well!