Maybe not a burnout
But could it be a fizzle?
I hate this word "burnout" because it implies a certain failure like maybe you're just not equipped. YOU ARE EQUIPPED, but we have approached NATIONAL LEVEL UP AND KEEP GOING WEEK. (I just named it).
This last week of January, man, I know a lot of folks a-fizzlin. Even if you aren't a resolutions/intentions/goal person, you likely started the year with some effort. Maybe an earlier wake up time, a fresh workout schedule, career goals, or cleaned closets. But, call a spade a spade... it is HARD WORK and maybe we didn't consider that our batteries would need a re-charge!
If you had some goals for this year and you feel the fizzle... I want to challenge you: KEEP YOUR COMMITMENT FOR TWO MORE WEEKS.
Keep grinding for TWO WEEKS MORE.
In this time you'll be doing what you said you'd do AND consciously evaluating how it can be improved... FOR YOU.
It’s a little push for discipline, but now with even better payoff!
The next 2 weeks are going to be the difference maker in whether or not you fall back into old habits or create the improved lifestyle you were hoping to gain. These two weeks are critical in your path. Why two weeks, and why now?
Over and over again, I see folks give up on a goal right around now because
they are putting in SO MUCH EFFORT and they are getting tired!
can no longer be as PERFECT as they were out of the gate
and they aren't seeing ANY RESULTS.
This friends, is why most humans lose their mojo! And I'm a fellow human! I've been there and I'll be there again. But right now we are in one of the most precious and critical times of the year because we actually did START (which, btw, is the hardest part!). If we are hanging on by a thread OR if we kind of already hung up the towel. Here are 3 EASY ways to stay focused for just 14 more days.
Create your 2 Minute Win: Think of it like this: EVEN IF MY WHOLE DAY GOES TO POT, I can STILL do this 2 minute task and IF I DO, MY DAY IS A WIN.
Set Up like Beyonce’s assistant: Beyonce probably has someone get her coffee ready in the am and someone who picks out her outfits. She probably has a trainer that tells her where to go and what to do for her workouts and an assistant who schedules her day. We aren't Beyonce (or are we?) BUT even if we don't have a full time staff setting us up, we do have a person who can set us up just fine for the day ahead. Who? You! YOU can get the coffee pot ready the night before. YOU can set the alarm and pre-choose your outfit. YOU can schedule when where and how you will workout. YOU can pre-schedule your day!. Beyonce's got nothing on you if you set up too.
Show Up. Literally.: All it means is walking through the door. Take all the effort out of the equation. Just arrive to the station. I know this is so counter to every discipline motivation you'll ever find, but if you just show're suddenly in motion. If it's for a workout, it might be a slow one today, but a better one tomorrow. Or maybe it starts slow and picks up. It doesn't matter. Just show up because the minute you decide not to show up is the minute not showing up becomes an option. Don't make it an option,
Two week challenge starts now!
You in?
Go get em!